Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Born This Way

While I was working out at the gym the other day I was watching the movie "Fame". I love musical movies they put a smile on my face. And was very surprised that you can now do this while you are working out. Weird! The fact that I actually got myself to the gym is beyond me.

Anyways.....It made me think about when I was applying for Universities and trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Well 10 years ago I could look you straight in the eyes and tell you I was going to be a famous actress. It was my childhood dream. It almost happened to. After a long, nerve racking audition in Toronto I was accepted into the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. Danny Devito and Robert Redford went there, don't ya know! As you can see that dream didn't come true but really when I looked into how much my tuition and living expenses were going to be I had to be a little realistic (over $100,000 for two years). It didn't stop me from continuing with my studies at an Ontario University. And now ever once in a while, my crazy actress side comes out and it's really been great with giving me confidence to do so many things.

When I look back at my life I have no regrets. If I really wanted to, I could have made it happen. I am proud of all my accomplishments. If I had gone that route I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband and started a family. I probably wouldn't have had time to make soap, or teach cake decorating.

And here I am today. Married with kids. I make soap. I teach cake decorating. I like to sew every once in a while. I love baking and cooking. Crafts are so much fun with the kids.  I'm going to the gym (Yeah!). I have a bunch of funky spiritual certificates under my belt including Reflexology and Reiki.

And I'm loving every second of it!!

Mrs. Greenwood

Monday, 16 January 2012

Combining my Cake Decorating with my Soap Making

It's been on my mind for awhile now and I don't know why it has taken me this long. I have been teaching Cake Decorating for about 3 years now and I've been soap making for even longer. I guess when I first started my soap making it was all pretty basic. Anyways....I could keep going. This past weekend after making a few standard logs of soap I used a little extra to make soap cupcakes and try to pipe a rose. I was surprised at how easy it was. Soap is much harder than butter cream icing and you only have so much time to work with it, but if you know what your doing it's pretty straight forward. I made more cupcakes last night now that I'm getting the hang of it and they look gorgeous. I plan on making many more and need to order Fragrances to make ones that actually smell like the dessert. Soap Cakes are next on the list. I have little brown and white cakes that I will decorate throughout the week.

Check this out!

Mrs. Greenwood

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Jack of all Trades

So apparently this Blog idea can be a very useful tool. I feel very old school. I am very familiar with computers but that doesn't seem like enough these days. I am not a cell phone user however I bought one for my husband and I feel like an Alien from another planet when I try and use it. I think I have text-ing down but I am very long winded. I guess I have to catch up eventually otherwise I won't know what my kids are talking about. I do however like being a pioneer and I feel very in touch with Mother Earth when I create things from scratch with my own hands.

Changing hats here. I mentioned that I teach Cake Decorating. I have ventured off on my own as an independent and I am running courses at the Bulk Barn off Whyte Ave in Edmonton. Since I don't market myself too much, most people don't know so I'm sending a shout out to myself to see if I can round up a few more students. I really want to run a Fondant and Gumpaste Course so I can teach the "New" Wilton Gumpaste Flowers course. And if you have any interest in Wedding Cakes or getting into the cake business or just for fun you won't want to miss this course. Here is a link to my facebook page for all that are interested.

Once again putting another hat on. I have mixed my lye water and will begin my soap making process this weekend. December was nuts and I really needed January off but I'm not used to moving so slow. My house looks great and the kids are happy but with the amount of coffee I've been drinking I need more. I almost got a job and I really don't want to go back to work.
I like to get it all done in one night so I have 6 batches to make, mostly ones I am out of stock of or request. I am still writing my Soap Making Manual so I can teach one day.....hopefully soon but I have had a brilliant idea to do a demo of CP soap at the Market. I figured that would be very adventurous and round up some students, even though there is already a waiting list for soap making. My girlfriend Randi at Creations from Eden has some great ideas with her new classroom and I know a great bunch of gals who will be teaching everything in regards to homemade body care products. Very Exciting.

Well I got a little inspiration today and it feels good to be motivated.

I appreciate this quote and thought I would share.
" Everybody is a Genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

I love'll be seeing more of those because I saved hundreds of them from my pininterest obsession.

Mrs. Greenwood

Sunday, 8 January 2012

My New Years Resolution!

I love making Soap and I love doing crafts, but one hobby that I can't live without is cooking and baking. I find having young kids I can't cook all the things I used to, and I'm talking about rolling my own sushi and making spring rolls from scatch. Some things are easier to buy these days, but as my kids get older and I have a little more time I want to spend more time in the kitchen making mouth watering dishes. First on my list was Biscotti!

I'm addicted to looking at Pininterest at least once a day and I found its been a great way to get new and trendy recipes. Otherwise I love Martha and my Mom, so between them I always have something new to try.

Being half Italian I love eating and cooking Italian food! I have always wanted to try biscotti since my husband loves dipping the hard cookie in his espresso and everyone has always said its difficult. Well it's not. I found a Martha Recipe and it took me no time at all today and the Double Chocolate Biscotti came out wonderfully. Let me know if you want me to pass the recipe along.

Well.......I hope everyone had a great Holiday and Happy New Years! Big things are coming this year and with taking more time for myself I get to spend more time creating and since I get bored very easily let's see what I get my hands into.

Mrs. Greenwood